Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wholly CRAP!

It's already Thursday night! I thought it was Tuesday yesterday, and now it's almost Friday.

These last few days have been some of the most intense almost-all-nighters of my life. Stayin up till the wee hours making sure I get the work done before 9:30. But it's literally daily that I see some sort of improvement in my work. So I will have some good new fresh pieces for my portfolio when I get home. But DAYUM is it crazy :P

Anyway heres a few more pics and then I'm off to get more work done!

So that's about what my coffee has been looking most mornings before I stir it :P cannot be good for me at all.

My pile of dirty clothes is telling me something...

Bobby sketchin for Maria 

And him sketchin for me


And then we got to visit the studio! Such a badass logo on the wall, I love it

Kei showing us some original work. Was such a treat seeing that artwork :) So much inspiration!

And just before we left, got everyone together for a group pic :P 

Aaaaaand finally, some of the work I have been doing. They are all unfinished lol but still things are getting better and better :) 

An alien walking suit being chased by a terrier 

The candy princess :)

and finally a ginger seed scatterer

What an experience it has been so far, and can't wait to see what else is around the corner. And then, the real fun begins finishing everything and getting a real solid portfolio!

Till next time,


  1. dood!...Have I told you how freaking awesome I think that Ginger Veggie Boy painting's FREAKING AWESOME!!!

    I'm totally gonna develop some story for him and he should be the next project!

  2. Haha thanks man! It's funny cause I started coming up with ideas for a story with him as well. And I concepted some roughs of a few buddies he could have :D great minds think alike I suppose :P
